Effect of JARID2 silencing on normal CD34+ cell differentiation. (A) Expression levels of JARID2 at 24 and 48 hours after the last nucleofection were measured by qRT-PCR, and data are reported as RQ. (B-C) Results of the statistical analysis on the percentage of CD41+ cells performed by flow cytometry at days 5, 8, 10, and 12 after the last nucleofection on serum-free multilineage and MK unilineage cultures. (D) Results of the statistical analysis of collagen-based clonogenic assay. The cells were plated 24 hours after the last nucleofection and scored after 12 days. (E) Morphologic analysis of NegCTR (i-ii) and JARID2-siRNA (iii-iv) samples after May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining at days 8 and 10 of MK unilineage culture after the last nucleofection in a representative experiment. Magnification, ×1000. Values are reported as mean ± SEM. **P < .01 vs NegCTR; *P < .05 vs NegCTR. The results come from 5 independent experiments.