Lung intravital microscopy reveals the dynamic formation of NPAs in the lungs under homeostatic and injury conditions. (A) Screenshots of a PF4-cre × Rosa26-LSL-tdTomato × LysM-eGFP mouse under basal conditions showing the dynamic formation of NPAs in the lung microcirculation (supplemental Movie 1). (B-G) Screenshots with zoom insets of PF4-cre × Rosa26-LSL-tdTomato × LysM-eGFP mice challenged intratracheally with (B,E) PBS, (C,F) LPS + vehicle, or (D,G) LPS + ASA and imaged directly after challenge (supplemental Movies 2-8). White arrows indicate NPAs. (H-I) Screenshots from PF4-cre × Rosa26-LSL-tdTomato × LysM-eGFP mice challenged with intratracheally LPS and imaged 24 hours after instillation. White arrows indicate intra-alveolar NPA (supplemental Movie 9). (J) Quantification of NPAs in B-D. †P < .05 vs PBS; *P < .05 vs vehicle. Data are mean ± SD of 3 to 7 animals per group.