Figure 3
Figure 3. Decrease in DC progenitors. BM cells and splenocytes were analyzed via FACS for the indicated DC progenitor populations. (A) Lineage markers, Sca1, cKit, CD34, and CD16/32 were used to analyze HSC, common lymphoid progenitor (CLP), megakaryocyte and erythrocyte progenitor (MEP), granulocyte macrophage progenitor (GMP), and CMP populations. (B) Frequency and cell numbers of the hematopoietic precursor subpopulations in whole BM compartment. (C) BM from WT or Mysm1−/− were analyzed for Lin−CD115+ and CDP (Lin−CD115+c-KitintFlt3+). (D) Splenocytes were analyzed for pre-cDC (CD11c+MHCII−signal-regulatory protein alpha [SIRPα]+ Flt3+). (E) Frequency and cell numbers of Lin−CD115+, CDPs, and pre-cDCs in BM or spleen. Data presented are mean values (± standard error of the mean) (n = 4). The experiments were repeated more than 3 times with similar results. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.

Decrease in DC progenitors. BM cells and splenocytes were analyzed via FACS for the indicated DC progenitor populations. (A) Lineage markers, Sca1, cKit, CD34, and CD16/32 were used to analyze HSC, common lymphoid progenitor (CLP), megakaryocyte and erythrocyte progenitor (MEP), granulocyte macrophage progenitor (GMP), and CMP populations. (B) Frequency and cell numbers of the hematopoietic precursor subpopulations in whole BM compartment. (C) BM from WT or Mysm1−/− were analyzed for LinCD115+ and CDP (LinCD115+c-KitintFlt3+). (D) Splenocytes were analyzed for pre-cDC (CD11c+MHCIIsignal-regulatory protein alpha [SIRPα]+ Flt3+). (E) Frequency and cell numbers of LinCD115+, CDPs, and pre-cDCs in BM or spleen. Data presented are mean values (± standard error of the mean) (n = 4). The experiments were repeated more than 3 times with similar results. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.

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