Inhibitory effects of AZD1480 on SP and PB MF CD34+ cells are independent of JAK2V617F status. (A-D) The percentage of the absolute number of total cells (A), CD34+ cells (B), CD34+CD90+ (C), and CD34+CXCR4+ cells (D) generated in cultures of either JAK2V617F-positive or -negative SP or PB MF CD34+ cells exposed to cytokines plus AZD1480 relative to the number generated in cultures exposed to cytokines alone. The numbers of total cell, CD34+, CD34+CD90+, CD34+CXCR4+ cells were equally reduced in the cultures of either JAK2V617F-positive or -negative SP or PB MF CD34+ cells exposed to AZD1480. (E-F) A similar reduction in the number of assayable HPCs (CFU-GM, BFU-E) was achieved by the treatment of either JAK2V617F-positive or -negative SP (E) or PB (F) MF CD34+ cells with AZD1480. P all >.05. JAK2V617F-positive and JAK2V617F-negative (each n = 5).