Figure 6
Figure 6. TAK1 inhibition results in impaired leukemia development and increased survival in a MOLM13 xenograft model. (A) Schematic representation of mouse experiment. (B) Sorting strategy of MOLM13 luciferase GFP-positive cells transduced with either control mCherry vector or shTAK1 mCherry hairpin. (C) Chimerism levels in peripheral blood after 2 weeks of injection of MOLM13 luciferase GFP/SCR mCherry cells or MOLM13 luciferase GFP/shTAK1 mCherry cells. (D) Bioluminescence pictures of SCR mice and shTAK1 mice. (E) Quantification of bioluminescence assay of SCR mice (n = 6) and shTAK1 mice (n = 10). (F) Survival curve of SCR mice and shTAK1 mice.

TAK1 inhibition results in impaired leukemia development and increased survival in a MOLM13 xenograft model. (A) Schematic representation of mouse experiment. (B) Sorting strategy of MOLM13 luciferase GFP-positive cells transduced with either control mCherry vector or shTAK1 mCherry hairpin. (C) Chimerism levels in peripheral blood after 2 weeks of injection of MOLM13 luciferase GFP/SCR mCherry cells or MOLM13 luciferase GFP/shTAK1 mCherry cells. (D) Bioluminescence pictures of SCR mice and shTAK1 mice. (E) Quantification of bioluminescence assay of SCR mice (n = 6) and shTAK1 mice (n = 10). (F) Survival curve of SCR mice and shTAK1 mice.

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