Knockdown of Ndel1 impairs terminal erythroid proliferation and differentiation and is partially rescued by overexpression of the Ndel1 inclusive form. (A) qRT-PCR analysis of Ndel1 expression after 48 hours of differentiation of cells expressing shLuc, shNdel1-1, shNdel1-2, or shNdel1-3. (B) Graph showing terminal proliferation of erythroid cells after knockdown of control (black), shNdel1-1 (red), shNdel1-2 (green), or shNdel1-3 (blue). (C) Representative images of May-Grunwald Giemsa staining of infected erythroid cells after 48-hour culture. Scale bar is 10 µm. (D) Flow cytometry plots of infected erythroid cells after 48-hour culture stained with Ter119-APC and Hoechst. Enucleated reticulocytes are boxed. Statistics of 3 experiments are shown. (E) qRT-PCR analysis of the expression of the Ndel1 exclusion and inclusion forms in cells in which Ndel1 is knocked down and then rescued by expression of the 2 Ndel1 isoforms. Exc., excluded; Inc., included isoform. (F) Overexpression of Ndel1-inc isoform, but not the Ndel1-exc isoform, partially rescues the proliferation defect caused by knockdown of endogenous Ndel1.