Sp1::Sp3 dKO mice display macrothrombocytopenia with unaltered megakaryocyte/platelet mass. (A) Blood parameters of Mx1-Cre::Sp1KO and WTlox mice at 12 weeks of age and after poly IC treatment. (B) Blood parameters of Mx1-Cre::Sp3KO and WTlox mice at 12 weeks of age and after poly IC treatment. (C) Blood parameters of Mx1-Cre::dKO and WTlox mice at 12 weeks of age and after poly IC treatment. (D) Blood parameters of Pf4-Cre::dKO and WTlox mice at 12 weeks of age (n = 13). (E) Table summarizing the blood parameters of Pf4-Cre::dKO and WTlox mice corresponding to panel D. (F) TPO levels in plasma of dKO and WTlox mice (n = 13). MPV, mean platelet volume; PLT, platelets; RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell.