Trauma brain injury in mice and coagulation triggered by brain-derived microparticles. (A) Cerebral injury is visible in the left parietal lobe of a mouse 3 hours after induction of trauma using fluid percussion injury (FPI) compared with the brain from a mouse subjected to sham surgery (Sham). (B) The clotting time measured in platelet-poor plasma (PPP) collected from mice subjected to trauma brain injury (FPI) or sham surgery (Sham) was measured in a phosphatidylserine-dependent assay. (C) Clotting time was compared between PPP and homologous plasma depleted of any microparticles by centrifugation collected from mice subjected to trauma brain injury (FPI) and sham surgery (Sham). Adapted from Figure 1 in the article by Tian et al that begins on page 2151.