Efficacy of 211At-B10-1F5 in an MRD model. Mice were inoculated via IV injection of Granta 519Luc cells (1 × 106) and monitored for tumor progression by BLI twice weekly for the duration of the study. On day 6, animals received 7.5 or 15 µCi of 211At-labeled 1F5-B10 (anti-CD20 mAb) or HB8181-B10 (nonbinding mAb control) or 1F5-B10 antibody alone or no therapy. All animals received stem cell rescue, either 2 days after the radiation dose (1F5-B10 or HB8181-B10 groups) or at the same time point without radiation (bone marrow transplant [BMT] control group). (A) Whole-body ventral BLI images on day 23 demonstrate diffuse signal corresponding with disease involvement in both control groups, with only 1 mouse demonstrating measurable disease in the 15-µCi anti-CD20–treated group. (B) Day-57 imaging of all surviving animals. (C) BLI plot demonstrating the mean ± standard error of the mean p/s for each group. The imaging data were normalized to the same scale for each figure.