CD4+ TSCM preferentially retain CD31 expression by day 8 post-HSCT. (A) Box plots depict the differential expression of CD31 on CD4+ T-cell subsets (TN, TSCM, TCM, and TEM) from healthy subjects (n = 25). (B) Flow cytometry plots of CD31 expression on CD4+ TN, TSCM, TCM, and TEM from a representative patient (UPN#4) at different points after HSCT, as labeled. (C) Kinetics of representation of TN and TSCM, expressed as percentage on the total circulating CD4+ cells at the indicated points post-HSCT. TCM and TEM kinetics are also depicted (gray dashed lines). (D) Box plots show CD31 expression on CD4+ TN, TSCM, TCM, and TEM at the labeled points. Data are shown as average values from the 20 patients included in the study. n.e.: not evaluable.