Figure 4
Figure 4. LTHSC functional analysis: secondary transplant. (A) CD45.2 engraftment analysis of LTHSCs derived from control (TK−) or ablation (TK+) mice in BM 16 weeks after secondary transplant. (B) Multilineage engraftment analysis of LTHSCs derived from control (TK−) or ablation (TK+) mice in BM 16 weeks after secondary transplant. (C) CD45.2 and multilineage (D) engraftment analysis of whole BM derived from secondary transplant recipients at 16 weeks. Engraftment is defined as >1% CD45.2, detected by flow cytometry. Error bars represent mean ± SEM. ***P < .0001 by 2-way analysis of variance.

LTHSC functional analysis: secondary transplant. (A) CD45.2 engraftment analysis of LTHSCs derived from control (TK−) or ablation (TK+) mice in BM 16 weeks after secondary transplant. (B) Multilineage engraftment analysis of LTHSCs derived from control (TK−) or ablation (TK+) mice in BM 16 weeks after secondary transplant. (C) CD45.2 and multilineage (D) engraftment analysis of whole BM derived from secondary transplant recipients at 16 weeks. Engraftment is defined as >1% CD45.2, detected by flow cytometry. Error bars represent mean ± SEM. ***P < .0001 by 2-way analysis of variance.

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