Targeting STAT6 by using short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) induces apoptosis in lymphoma cell lines. (A) The lymphoma cell lines OCI-LY1, OCI-LY7, OCI-LY8, and OCI-LY18 were transduced with lentiviruses carrying 3 distinct STAT6-targeted shRNAs (day 1). On days 4, 6, and 8 after infection, the fraction of annexinV/propidium iodide double-negative cell populations was measured and data were plotted normalized to the double-negative fraction in the sh-nontargeted (shNon) control cell population. (B) Cells were diluted 1:1 in all cultures every 2 days starting on day 4. The relative cell number as measured through automated cell counters corrected for the dilutions is plotted. (C) Immunoblot and densitometry results for STAT6 knockdown in bulk populations on day 4 after infection.