Frequency of subtypes of Ph-like ALL. Combined prevalence of Ph-like ALL subtypes in children, adolescents, and young adults including CRFL2-rearranged JAK2 mutant (CRLF2r_JAK2 mut) and CRFL2-rearranged JAK2 wild-type (CRFL2r_JAK2 WT), ABL1-class rearrangements (ABL1, ABL2, CSF1R, and PDGFRB), JAK2 and EPOR rearrangements and other mutations in JAK-STAT signaling (FLT3, IL7R, SH2B3, JAK1/3, TYK2, IL2RB, and TSLP), Ras mutations (KRAS, NRAS, NF1, PTPN11, and BRAF), and unknown alterations. Data from Roberts et al.22 HR, high-risk.