Differentially expressed miRNAs in Ercc1-/*292 cells. (A) The expression of miRNAs and U6 in lin− BM cells was determined by quantitative PCR in quadruplicate. The expression of indicated miRNAs relative to U6 and normalized to WT controls is depicted. The error bars represent the SD of 5 mice. (B) CMP (top), GMP (middle), and MEP (bottom). The expression of indicated miRNAs relative to U6 and normalized to WT is depicted for different hematopoietic progenitor subpopulations isolated from the BM of 20-week-old mice. The error bars represent SD of 3 measurements. (C) The expression of indicated miRNAs relative to U6 in lin− BM cells of 3-week-old Ercc1-/*292;Trp53 WT mice and Ercc1-/*292;Trp53−/−, and relative to WT controls is shown. All bars represent the mean and SD of n ≥ 3 mice. (D) The expression of miR-139-3p and miR-199a-3p relative to U6 in WT lin− cells and normalized to the control condition without MMC, is depicted for the indicated MMC concentrations. The error bars represent SD of 3 measurements. In all panels, the significance was calculated with the Mann-Whitney U test (asymptotic significance [2-tailed], *P < .05]. NE, not expressed; NS, not significant.