Development of leukemia in Ercc1-/*292;Trp53+/− transplanted mice. (A) Kaplan–Meier plots showing overall survival of Ercc1-/*292;Trp53+/−, Ercc1+/−Trp53+/−, and Ercc1+/*292Trp53+/−. (B) Heat map showing consistent patterns of CNV. The CNVs are shown for each leukemia sample (indicated by a 9-digit number, eg, 11-11713-01) along the genome. Autosomal chromosomes (1 to 19) are indicated on the left. Blue: loss of genetic material; Red: gain of genetic material; and White: retention of genetic material. (C) LOH along the genomes from isolated leukemias. In all samples, chromosome 11 harbors partial or complete LOH. Trp53 is located within regions affected by LOH, leading to homozygous deletions. Blue: LOH; Yellow: retention of heterozygosity; and White: no informative single nucleotide polymorphisms. (D) Expression of miR-139-3p and miR-199a-3p normalized to U6 in cells isolated from Ercc1-/*292 leukemias or WT lin− controls. Bars show the mean relative expression of each group. Significance was calculated with the Mann-Whitney U test (asymptotic significance [2-tailed], *P < .05).