Figure 2
Figure 2. The 3D reconstructions of sample patients generated by the fusion of the automatically segmented FDG PET and CT data. Control subject (A) shows prevalent activity in the axial skeleton, whereas a patient treated with CBT (B) shows increased activity also in the hip bones and in the long bone shafts. (C) A patient treated with ACT shows a markedly increased glycolytic activity, extending up to the distal tibial epiphyses.

The 3D reconstructions of sample patients generated by the fusion of the automatically segmented FDG PET and CT data. Control subject (A) shows prevalent activity in the axial skeleton, whereas a patient treated with CBT (B) shows increased activity also in the hip bones and in the long bone shafts. (C) A patient treated with ACT shows a markedly increased glycolytic activity, extending up to the distal tibial epiphyses.

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