Ultrastructural analysis of Clec-2−/−, Pdpnfl/flPGK-Cre, and Pdpnfl/flNes-Cre microvessels at E11.5 by electron microscopy. In wild-type embryos (+/+, includes Pdpnfl/fl littermates; n = 4), endothelial cells enclose a vascular lumen containing a nucleated fetal erythrocyte and are connected by tight junctions (yellow arrowheads). The endothelium is closely associated with surrounding pericyte foot processes and neuro-epithelial cells. In Clec-2−/− (n = 3), Pdpnfl/flPGK-Cre (n = 4), and Pdpnfl/flNes-Cre (n = 4) microvessels, vascular lumens appear expanded, and their surrounding endothelium is enriched in vacuoles. Inter-endothelial junctions remain tightly closed and secured by endothelial cell flaps (yellow arrowheads). Large gaps between the endothelium and overlying pericytes and neuro-epithelial cells are noticeable. NE, neuro-epithelial cell; BV, blood vessel; RBC, nucleated red blood cell; P, pericyte; E, endothelial cell. Original magnification: (left) ×7500; (right) ×15 000. Scale bar, 5 μm.