Abnormal repartition of monocyte subsets in CMML. (A) Percentage of MO1s in a learning cohort of CMML patients as compared to healthy blood donors (Co), age-matched healthy donors (Aged-Co), patients with diverse hematologic malignancies (Non-CMML), and those with reactive monocytosis (Reactive). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM; ***P < .0001; Kruskal-Wallis test. (B) Multicolor representation of monocyte subset repartition in PBMCs collected from the distinct groups of the learning cohort. The percentage of each monocyte subset is indicated. (C) ROC curve analysis of diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of MO1 percentage in peripheral blood monocytes established on the learning cohort (young and age-matched healthy donors, other hematologic malignancies, reactive monocytosis, and CMML) defined in panel A. (D) Percentage of MO1s in a validation cohort of CMML as compared to age-matched healthy donors (Aged-Co), patients with MDS or MPN (Non-CMML), and those with reactive monocytosis (Reactive). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. SEM, standard error of the mean.