Better engraftment, replenishment of TCM and TEM cells, and high capacity to repopulate the identical ATL clone by TSCM in ATL. (A) The scheme of 2 independent experiments is shown. Mice numbers are indicated in boxes. N, S, C, and E at the head of the numbers are correspondent to mice transplanted with TN, TSCM, TCM, and TEM population, respectively. The proportions of human CD45+ cells in peripheral blood (B) and in spleen (C) are presented. The data of the spleen from S5 mouse are not available owing to death before the indicated time. (D) Representative FACS analyses data on the phenotypic alteration of human CD45+ cells in the peripheral blood from N3, S6, C9, and E12 mice at 10 weeks after transplantation are depicted. (E) Inverse long PCR shows diversity of HTLV-1–infected clones in human CD45+ cells from the spleens of recipient mice. Data from PBMCs of the patient are presented together. The left lane shows the size marker. (F) Quantitative PCR targeting the ATL clone–specific site and the pX region is performed. Value of the ATL clone–specific site normalized to the value of the pX region is displayed as the relative ratio to that of PBMCs of the patient.