Suz12 is critical for maintaining adult HSC self-renewal and homeostasis. (A) Experimental design for competitive BM transplantation assays. (B) Analysis of test donor contribution (CD45.2+) to the peripheral blood of mice receiving either Suz12fl/fl/CreERT2 or Suz12+/+/CreERT2 BM cells with tamoxifen (TAM) or vehicle (ethanol [EtOH]) treatment. (C) Representative flow cytometric plots of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell populations in BM of mice that received Suz12fl/fl/CreERT2 donor BM 16 weeks after tamoxifen (TAM) or vehicle (EtOH) treatment. The numbers represent the proportions of cells gated from the indicated populations. (D) Analysis of test donor contribution (CD45.2+) to the spleen (SPL), mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), thymus (THY), BM, lineage− Sca-1+ c-Kit+ (LSK) cells and BM lineage− Sca-1− c-Kit+ myeloid progenitors (MP) in mice receiving either Suz12fl/fl/CreERT2 or Suz12+/+/CreERT2 BM cells and tamoxifen (TAM) or vehicle (EtOH) treatment. Data represent mean ± standard deviation from Suz12+/+/CreERT2 (n = 3 donors) and Suz12fl/fl/CreERT2 (n = 4 donors) mice. Each data point represents the average test donor contribution from 3 recipients of BM from an individual donor. A two-tailed Student t test was performed to test statistical significance between vehicle (EtOH) and tamoxifen (TAM)-treated groups. BMT, bone marrow transplant; NS, nonsignificant; PB, peripheral blood. *P < .05; **P < .005; ***P < .001.