Figure 2
Figure 2. Generation of RIAM−/− mice. (A) Schematic representation of RIAM targeting. The RIAM locus of murine ES cells was targeted by homologous recombination to generate an allele with loxP sites flanking exons 3 and 4. The resulting RIAM conditional mice were crossed with a Cre-deleter strain to remove exons 3 and 4, along with the Neo cassette, and thereby generate RIAM+/− mice that were crossed to produce RIAM−/− mice. (B) Immunmoblot for RIAM and RhoGDI of lysates of T and B cells isolated from spleens of RIAM+/+ and RIAM−/− mice. (C) Immunoblot for lamellipodin and RhoGDI of lysates of of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells, as well as the extracts of brain, spleen, and platelets from mice with the indicated genotype.

Generation of RIAM−/− mice. (A) Schematic representation of RIAM targeting. The RIAM locus of murine ES cells was targeted by homologous recombination to generate an allele with loxP sites flanking exons 3 and 4. The resulting RIAM conditional mice were crossed with a Cre-deleter strain to remove exons 3 and 4, along with the Neo cassette, and thereby generate RIAM+/− mice that were crossed to produce RIAM−/− mice. (B) Immunmoblot for RIAM and RhoGDI of lysates of T and B cells isolated from spleens of RIAM+/+ and RIAM−/− mice. (C) Immunoblot for lamellipodin and RhoGDI of lysates of of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells, as well as the extracts of brain, spleen, and platelets from mice with the indicated genotype.

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