The procoagulant network. Arrows indicate activations. The thicker arrows are operative at higher tissue factor concentrations. Red stars indicate activation by thrombin. The gray surface represents the platelet, and the light green surface represents tissue factor–containing membrane from wounded tissue, microparticles, or blood-borne tissue factor. VWF, von Willebrand factor. The dotted arrow denotes unconfirmed tissue factor–mediated activation of factor XI.

The procoagulant network. Arrows indicate activations. The thicker arrows are operative at higher tissue factor concentrations. Red stars indicate activation by thrombin. The gray surface represents the platelet, and the light green surface represents tissue factor–containing membrane from wounded tissue, microparticles, or blood-borne tissue factor. VWF, von Willebrand factor. The dotted arrow denotes unconfirmed tissue factor–mediated activation of factor XI.

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