siRNA knockdown of STAT1 confers resistance to STAT3 inhibition-induced cell death. (A) SupM2 cells were exposed to various doses of Stattic for 4 hours, and western blots showed the decrease of pSTAT3 in a dose-dependent manner. (B) SupM2 cells transfected with two species of STAT1 siRNA showed significantly higher half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) to Stattic compared with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. Western blot studies showed the siRNA knockdown efficiency, which was higher with species 1 compared with species 2. The densitometry values shown were normalized to the band of γ-tubulin. (C) Transfection of STAT1 siRNA significantly reduced the suppression of cell growth induced by STAT3 siRNA in SupM2 cells. The western blots results showed the efficiency of siRNA knockdowns. Image J software was used to analyze the densitometry value of western blots bands. Statistical significance was calculated by Student t test. *P < .05; **P < .01.