Figure 6
Figure 6. Inhibition of miR-148a in vivo is protective against FcγRIIA-mediated thrombosis. (A) Comparison of gross pathologic changes in mouse lungs and spleens between 2 experimental groups showing pulmonary thrombosis/hemorrhage, and splenic infarction. (B) Bar graph showing percentage of mice with pathologic changes (n = 6 for each group). (C) Microscopic examination of the mouse lungs after induction of thrombosis by anti-CD9 antibody treatment. (D) Quantification of total clotted vessels from lung histology. Images were captured with Carl Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 microscope and Leica Microsystems DFC 420 camera. Vessel count was conducted under light microscopy. Numbers of clotted vessels was recorded per 200× field. Three separate slides from each treatment group were analyzed (P < .01, n = 12).

Inhibition of miR-148a in vivo is protective against FcγRIIA-mediated thrombosis. (A) Comparison of gross pathologic changes in mouse lungs and spleens between 2 experimental groups showing pulmonary thrombosis/hemorrhage, and splenic infarction. (B) Bar graph showing percentage of mice with pathologic changes (n = 6 for each group). (C) Microscopic examination of the mouse lungs after induction of thrombosis by anti-CD9 antibody treatment. (D) Quantification of total clotted vessels from lung histology. Images were captured with Carl Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 microscope and Leica Microsystems DFC 420 camera. Vessel count was conducted under light microscopy. Numbers of clotted vessels was recorded per 200× field. Three separate slides from each treatment group were analyzed (P < .01, n = 12).

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