The mutational landscape of CLL. (A) The discovery of recurrently CLL mutated genes has become more sensitive with increased cohort size, with the estimated sensitivity calculated through saturation analysis6,12,26 ; (B) Frequency of gene mutations depending on the course of the disease. “Early” (newly diagnosed and untreated patients); “Frontline” (untreated patients with symptomatic CLL requiring therapy); and “R/R” (relapsing or refractory patients). Unselected cohorts have been included from: DFCI/Broad Institute,12 Amedeo Avogadro University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara and Sapieza University (Rome, Italy)/Columbia University (New York)27 ; ERIC 28 ; MLL29 ; and SCALE.30 Reported are also series from clinical trials: UK LRF CLL431,32 ; GCLLSG CLL8,33 CLL2H,34 and CLL3X35 ; GCFLLC/MW-GOELAMS ICLL01, and UK NCRN CLL201 and CLL202.36 DCFI, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; ERIC, European Research Initiative on CLL; GCFLLC/MW-GOELAMS, French CLL Intergroup; GCLLSG, German CLL Study Group; MLL, Munich Leukemia Laboratory; SCALE, Scandinavian Lymphoma Etiology; UK LRF, United Kingdom Lymphoma Research Foundation; UK NCRN, United Kingdom National Cancer Research Network.