Figure 3
Figure 3. DFS of patients with HR ALL as a function of MRD at end of consolidation. This figure displays DFS instead of EFS, because only those patients continuing on protocol therapy after induction (or extended induction) are included. Only subjects who were slow early responders at end induction had a second sample obtained, but this graph displays results only for those who were MRD positive at day 29. The 5-year DFS of subjects who cleared their MRD was quite good at 79% ± 5%, whereas those who were persistently positive had only a 39% ± 7% 5-year DFS.

DFS of patients with HR ALL as a function of MRD at end of consolidation. This figure displays DFS instead of EFS, because only those patients continuing on protocol therapy after induction (or extended induction) are included. Only subjects who were slow early responders at end induction had a second sample obtained, but this graph displays results only for those who were MRD positive at day 29. The 5-year DFS of subjects who cleared their MRD was quite good at 79% ± 5%, whereas those who were persistently positive had only a 39% ± 7% 5-year DFS.

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