Figure 2
Figure 2. HIV-released proteins within lymphoid follicles. Persistence of HIV-encoded proteins in the GC of lymphoid follicles in patients under cART. Histological sections from lymph node (A-C) and nasopharynx (D-E) were immunolabeled for the capsid p24 (B and D) and the matrix p17 (C,E) proteins. HIV p24 and p17 deposited in the GCs show similar distribution in the biopsy sites and display a dendritic pattern. Matrix p17 accumulates and persists within lymphoid tissues of HIV-infected patients in both lymph nodes and extranodal sites, where this protein may exert its pathogenic effects on B cells. Images were acquired with the Olympus Dot.Slide Virtual microscopy system, using an Olympus BX51 microscopy equipped with PLAN APO 2×/0.08 and UPLAN SApo 40×/0.95 objectives. Images were assembled using Adobe Photoshop 6 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA).

HIV-released proteins within lymphoid follicles. Persistence of HIV-encoded proteins in the GC of lymphoid follicles in patients under cART. Histological sections from lymph node (A-C) and nasopharynx (D-E) were immunolabeled for the capsid p24 (B and D) and the matrix p17 (C,E) proteins. HIV p24 and p17 deposited in the GCs show similar distribution in the biopsy sites and display a dendritic pattern. Matrix p17 accumulates and persists within lymphoid tissues of HIV-infected patients in both lymph nodes and extranodal sites, where this protein may exert its pathogenic effects on B cells. Images were acquired with the Olympus Dot.Slide Virtual microscopy system, using an Olympus BX51 microscopy equipped with PLAN APO 2×/0.08 and UPLAN SApo 40×/0.95 objectives. Images were assembled using Adobe Photoshop 6 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA).

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