Characterization of BM periarteriolar PDPN-expressing stromal cells. (A) Representative ICC image of cultured PDPN+ BM stromal cells. Scale bar, 50 μm. (B) FACS immunophenotyping results of BM PDPN+ stromal cells. Cultured BM PDPN+ stromal cells are stained with LYVE1 (positive marker of LECs), CD31 (positive marker of vascular endothelial cells), CD35 (negative marker of LN FRCs), CD51 (positive marker of CAR cells), CD44, CD140a, and CD106 (positive marker of LN FRCs). The FACS scattergram and histograms show representative data from 3 independent experiments. (C) Immunophenotypic pattern of LN FRCs and BM PDPN+ stromal cells.