MDSC treatment alleviated thrombocytopenia in mice. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival plots of irradiated SCID mice transferred with (group 1) 5 × 104 immune splenocytes from CD61 KO mice immunized against WT platelets and 6 × 106 MDSCs generated from WT BM (n = 10), (group 2) 5 × 104 immune splenocytes (n = 15), (group 3) 6 × 106 MDSCs (n = 5), or (group 4) no cells at all (n = 5). The data are expressed as the percentage of survival. (B) Platelet counts in irradiated SCID mice from groups 1 to 4. Thrombocytopenia occurred in all mice on day 7. The data are expressed as platelet counts (×109/L) ± SEM over time (days). The horizontally dotted lines represent the normal platelet range. (C) Differences in gene expression of SCID splenic Ets1 in association with different cell treatments administered. Significance among groups was determined by Mann-Whitney test or analysis of variance. **P < .01.