Figure 3
Figure 3. Clinical VWF:FVIIIB vs experimental VWF:FVIIIB/Ag ratio. (A) Type 2N VWD and HA (mild or carriers) subjects. (B) Type 2N and 2N carrier VWD subjects. Type 2N VWD and type 2N carrier separation by clinical vs experimental VWF:FVIIIB assay. Type 2N carriers demonstrated both higher clinical and experimental VWF:FVIIIB than phenotypic 2N VWD or known compound 2N heterozygote or 2N homozygote subjects.

Clinical VWF:FVIIIB vs experimental VWF:FVIIIB/Ag ratio. (A) Type 2N VWD and HA (mild or carriers) subjects. (B) Type 2N and 2N carrier VWD subjects. Type 2N VWD and type 2N carrier separation by clinical vs experimental VWF:FVIIIB assay. Type 2N carriers demonstrated both higher clinical and experimental VWF:FVIIIB than phenotypic 2N VWD or known compound 2N heterozygote or 2N homozygote subjects.

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