Figure 1
Figure 1. Overview of cytogenetic aberrations and aberrations found in the karyotypes of pediatric AMKL (n = 153). Each column represents a single case. A colored cells means positive for the aberration corresponding with that particular row. X indicates that the karyotype is not available, the only information given is hyperdiploid, or complex karyotype. -13/13q, monosomy 13 or del(13q); NA, not available.

Overview of cytogenetic aberrations and aberrations found in the karyotypes of pediatric AMKL (n = 153). Each column represents a single case. A colored cells means positive for the aberration corresponding with that particular row. X indicates that the karyotype is not available, the only information given is hyperdiploid, or complex karyotype. -13/13q, monosomy 13 or del(13q); NA, not available.

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