LCP4 treatment affects splenic MF stem cells but spares normal BM stem cells. (A-C) HCD45+ cell chimerisms in the BM (A), spleen (B), and PB (C) of individual mice receiving splenic MF or normal BM CD34+ cells treated with cytokines alone or cytokines plus LCP4 are shown. The percentages of hCD45+ in the BM, spleen, and PB of each individual mouse (♦) and the mean of the percentage of hCD45+ cells (horizontal bars) are shown. (D) The percentage of hCD45+ cell chimerism in the BM, spleen, and PB of mice receiving splenic MF or normal BM CD34+ cells treated with cytokines plus LCP4, relative to that detected in mice receiving cells treated with cytokines alone. **P < .01; ***P < .001. MF spleen: n = 6. SP10 and SP19: 3 mice transplanted; SP18, SP21, and SP22: 4 mice transplanted; and SP23: 2 mice transplanted due to the limited number of CD34+ cells available. N BM: n = 4, 2 mice transplanted for each sample due to the limited number of CD34+ cells available. Equal numbers of mice were transplanted with each MF spleen and normal BM sample with or without treatment with LCP4. N BM, normal BM; SP, splenic.