Figure 4
Figure 4. Increased endothelial cell populations and decreased megakaryocytes in NHD13 mice. (A) Flow cytometry gating strategy used to identify BM Lin−/CD45− nonhematopoietic cells, Lin−/CD45−/CD31+/Sca1+ cells enriched for arteriolar endothelial cells (AECs), and Lin−/CD45−/CD31+/Sca1− cells enriched for sinusoidal endothelial cells (SECs). The first 3 plots represent WT mice, and the last plots show overlay of populations from concatenated NHD13 (red) and WT (black) mice data. (B) Expression of NUP98/HOXD13 transgene in hematopoietic, endothelial, and stromal cells. (C-D) Frequency of AECs within total BM pool (C) and Lin−/CD45− nonhematopoietic pool (D) of NHD13 and WT mice. (E-F) Frequency SECs within total BM pool (E) and Lin−/CD45− nonhematopoietic pool (F) of NHD13 and WT mice. (G) Endomucin immunohistochemistry for metaphyseal region of representative WT and NHD13 mice. Bars represent 20 µm. (H) Peripheral blood serum VEGF level measured by Luminex xMAP assay. (I) GP1bβ immunohistochemistry for metaphyseal region of representative WT and NHD13 mouse. Bars represent 20 µm. (J) Quantification of GP1bβ+ megakaryocyte numbers per area of interest (AOI) in femora of WT and NHD13 mice. For all graphs, *P < .05; **P < .01. Each dot represents an individual mouse; mean and standard error of the mean are shown.

Increased endothelial cell populations and decreased megakaryocytes in NHD13 mice. (A) Flow cytometry gating strategy used to identify BM Lin/CD45 nonhematopoietic cells, Lin/CD45/CD31+/Sca1+ cells enriched for arteriolar endothelial cells (AECs), and Lin/CD45/CD31+/Sca1 cells enriched for sinusoidal endothelial cells (SECs). The first 3 plots represent WT mice, and the last plots show overlay of populations from concatenated NHD13 (red) and WT (black) mice data. (B) Expression of NUP98/HOXD13 transgene in hematopoietic, endothelial, and stromal cells. (C-D) Frequency of AECs within total BM pool (C) and Lin/CD45 nonhematopoietic pool (D) of NHD13 and WT mice. (E-F) Frequency SECs within total BM pool (E) and Lin/CD45 nonhematopoietic pool (F) of NHD13 and WT mice. (G) Endomucin immunohistochemistry for metaphyseal region of representative WT and NHD13 mice. Bars represent 20 µm. (H) Peripheral blood serum VEGF level measured by Luminex xMAP assay. (I) GP1bβ immunohistochemistry for metaphyseal region of representative WT and NHD13 mouse. Bars represent 20 µm. (J) Quantification of GP1bβ+ megakaryocyte numbers per area of interest (AOI) in femora of WT and NHD13 mice. For all graphs, *P < .05; **P < .01. Each dot represents an individual mouse; mean and standard error of the mean are shown.

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