Figure 1
Figure 1. NMZL coding genome complexity. (A) Number and type of nonsilent somatic mutations identified in the 18 discovery genomes. (B) The pattern of nucleotide substitutions in the discovery genomes revealed a predominance of transitions over transversions (296:224, ratio of 1.3) and a preferential targeting of G and C nucleotides (70.2% affecting G/C compared with 29.8% affecting A/T nucleotides). (C) Mutation frequency at specific dinucleotides (red bars). The expected frequencies (gray bars) correspond to the dinucleotide sequence composition of the Consensus CDS. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences in overrepresented changes. (D) Frequency and type of somatically acquired copy number abnormalities (CNAs). (E) Combined load of somatically acquired genetic lesions in the discovery genomes, including nonsilent mutations and CNAs.

NMZL coding genome complexity. (A) Number and type of nonsilent somatic mutations identified in the 18 discovery genomes. (B) The pattern of nucleotide substitutions in the discovery genomes revealed a predominance of transitions over transversions (296:224, ratio of 1.3) and a preferential targeting of G and C nucleotides (70.2% affecting G/C compared with 29.8% affecting A/T nucleotides). (C) Mutation frequency at specific dinucleotides (red bars). The expected frequencies (gray bars) correspond to the dinucleotide sequence composition of the Consensus CDS. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences in overrepresented changes. (D) Frequency and type of somatically acquired copy number abnormalities (CNAs). (E) Combined load of somatically acquired genetic lesions in the discovery genomes, including nonsilent mutations and CNAs.

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