Efficacy of ONO/GS-4059 in patients with CLL. (A) Duration on treatment for all CLL patients (n = 28) according to dose cohort. *Ongoing patients. (B) Waterfall plot for all CLL patients by dose cohort (n = 25), showing response evaluated by CT imaging. Changes from baseline scan (sum of the largest diameter of each target lesion) are shown. Negative values indicate tumor response. **Patients with TP53/17p deletion; @patients with ATM/11q deletion. (C) Rate of response of lymph nodes in CLL patients up to cycle 7 (n = 23). Measured by the percentage change in tumor SPD. (D) Mean blood concentrations of hemoglobin (g/dL) and platelet count (×109/L) showing recovery of normal hemopoiesis in CLL patients up to cycle 31. (E) Case example: CT axial images from a CLL patient. (i) Pretreatment CT imaging showing large volume intra-abdominal lymphadenopathy. (ii) CT imaging during cycle 3 following treatment with ONO/GS-4059 600 mg once daily shows considerable reduction in lymphadenopathy. SPD, sum of perpendicular dimensions.