Combinatorial effect of AraC treatment and Atg7 deletion in MLL-ENL leukemic mice. (A) Kaplan-Meier curves of Atg7flox/flox:Cre-ERT2 MLL-ENL leukemic mice treated with vehicle or TAM in combination with PBS or AraC (n = 6-11 mice per group). The P value was calculated by a log-rank test. (B) L-GMP numbers in GFP+ BM MLL-ENL cells were plotted (n = 8 per group). (C) WBC counts in PB from Atg7flox/flox:Cre-ERT2 MLL-ENL mice receiving vehicle + PBS (n = 19), vehicle + AraC (n = 18), TAM + PBS (n = 17), and TAM + AraC (n = 19) were plotted. (D) Frequencies of annexin-V+ or DAPI+ cells in c-Kit−CD11b+ PB from Atg7flox/flox:Cre-ERT2 MLL-ENL mice receiving vehicle + PBS (n = 6), vehicle + AraC (n = 7), TAM + PBS (n = 7), and TAM + AraC (n = 7) were plotted. Multiple comparisons were performed by analysis of variance followed by a Student t test, adjusting for multiple testing using Holm's step-down method. **P < .01; *** P < .001. All results represent pooled data from at least 2 independent experiments with 1 to 2 animals per experiment.