Hematologic characterization. (A) Intravascular hemolysis in dematin FLKO mice. (B) Osmotic fragility analysis. Means ± SD, n = 3 for each genotype. (C) In vivo life span measurement. A dramatic reduction of intact surviving erythrocytes/reticulocytes was observed in FLKO mice. Means ± SD; (+/+), n = 4; (+/−), n = 4; (−/−), n = 5. (D) Dynamic deformability of reticulocytes. Data indicate a marked reduction of dynamic deformability in FLKO reticulocytes. The high velocity fraction (*) presumably represents microcytic vesicles and fragments from labeled reticulocytes. Each dot represents 1 labeled reticulocyte, and the solid bar represents the average derived from 3 animals of each genotype. Data were compared using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test. (E) Western blot analysis. Membrane proteins from WT (+/+), heterozygous (+/−), dematin FLKO (−/−), and PHZ-treated WT erythrocytes/reticulocytes ghosts. Protein loading was normalized by band 3. Note that the PHZ treatment causes a slight shift in the mobility of adducin and dematin bands (Figure 1B). *Significant protein deficiency.