Figure 2
Figure 2. circRNA structures per gene. (A) Histograms showing circRNA numbers per gene established using PTESFinder for RBCs (this study), platelets,11 fibroblasts, and fibroblasts digested with RNAse R.23 (B) Schematic diagram showing XPO1 intron/exon organization with read counts and inferred structure of all circRNAs identified within the 3 platelet samples. Inferred structures assume that all internal Refseq exons are present within the structure defined by each back-splice. Read counts for the 11 structures identified previously within RNAse R digested H9 ES cells27 are highlighted in red.

circRNA structures per gene. (A) Histograms showing circRNA numbers per gene established using PTESFinder for RBCs (this study), platelets,11  fibroblasts, and fibroblasts digested with RNAse R.23  (B) Schematic diagram showing XPO1 intron/exon organization with read counts and inferred structure of all circRNAs identified within the 3 platelet samples. Inferred structures assume that all internal Refseq exons are present within the structure defined by each back-splice. Read counts for the 11 structures identified previously within RNAse R digested H9 ES cells27  are highlighted in red.

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