Loss of HSCs has little effect during the normal lifespan of mice. (A) Experimental design of Moz deletion in situ. (B) Quantification of Mozfl alleles in nucleated cells of the peripheral blood by qPCR from 100 to 558 days after poly(I:C) treatment of Mozfl/fl;Mx1-cre (n = 5) and Mozfl/fl (n = 6) control mice. No significant change in the level of Moz-deleted alleles was seen over this period (P = .9775). (C) Peripheral blood analysis of mice 18 months after poly(I:C) treatment of (n = 9) Mozfl/fl;Mx1-cre and (n = 9) Mozfl/fl control mice (complete analysis; supplemental Figure 4). The erythrocyte (RBC) and neutrophil counts were normal. Note the reduction in leukocytes (white blood cells [WBCs]), due to a reduction in lymphocytes (predominantly B cells; supplemental Figure 6). (D) Experimental design of chimeric transplantation first and then Moz deletion 90 days later. The bone marrow from each donor Mozfl/fl;Mx1-cre (n = 3) and control Mozfl/fl (n = 3) mouse was transplanted into 3 recipients together with wild-type CD45.1 bone marrow, as indicated. (E) Percentage of CD45.2-positive Mozfl/fl;Mx1-cre, and Mozfl/fl control cells in peripheral blood changes over time in the presence of wild-type competitors. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM.