Dominant TCRB-CDR3 sequences in T-cell lines and PBMCs. The frequency of each TCRB-CDR3 sequence per sorted population or sample was determined using ImmunoSEQ Analyzer version 2.0. Sequence numerical identifiers reference sequences in Tables 1, 2, and 4. (A) Frequency of specific TCRB sequences in sorted populations from the 56A-L2 T-cell line with high, medium, and low avidity for the DRB1*01:01-FVIII2194-2213 tetramer. The x-axis in panels A and C is presented as 2 segments with different scales in order to clearly see the results for the low frequency sequences. (B) Frequency of the 12 TCRB sequences identified in 56A clones and 56A-L2 line in GS1-56A PBMCs. Seven sequences were not detected (ND). (C) Frequency of specific TCRB sequences in DRB1*01:01-FVIII2194-2213 tetramer-positive sorted cell populations collected from 4 17A T-cell lines isolated at the 5-year postinhibitor time point.