Assessment of the self-renewal potential of engrafting AML cells by serial transplantation of 3 AML samples. (A) Setup of secondary transplantation experiments. huCD45+ cells harvested from a scaffold or from the BM of primary huBM-sc mice were injected into the scaffolds of secondary recipient NSG mice implanted with the humanized niches 6 to 8 weeks before the transplantation of leukemic cells. (B,D,F) Representative FACS analysis of secondary recipient mice of AML #2, AML #3, and AML #1, respectively. (C,E,G) In vivo tumor growth rates of the biggest tumor scaffold in secondary transplanted mice from AML #2, AML #3, and AML #1, respectively. Each colored line represents 1 mouse, and the cell dosage and source are depicted in the corresponding legend. Tumor size (cm3) was used as the end point of the experimental period. SC, human scaffold.