Expression of CLL signature genes by ROR1Negor ROR1PosCLL cells. Representative histograms depicting the fluorescence of CD19+ cells labeled with Alexa-647–conjugated 4A5 (anti-ROR1 mAb) (shaded histograms) or Alexa-647-conjugated nonspecific immunoglobulin G (IgG) of the same isotype (open histograms) for (A) ROR1Pos CLL B cells, (B) ROR1Neg CLL cells, or (C) representative normal blood B cells. The case identifier and the ROR1 ΔMFI are indicated at the top right corner of each panel. (D) Immunoblot analyses of whole cell lysates of ROR1Neg CLL or ROR1Pos CLL, as indicated at the top. Each lane represents a separate case. The membranes were probed with mAbs specific for ROR1 (top row) or β-actin (bottom row), as indicated on the left. (E-F) Each column represents a separate case of ROR1Neg or ROR1Pos CLL, as indicated at the top. The relative expression of the genes indicated on the right margin are provided in rows, using the color coding for log2 normalized effective count z scores as per the scale provided at the bottom of each heat map. (E) Heat map for 34 genes previously found expressed differentially by CLL cells vs normal B cells. (F) Heat map for 65 genes previously found expressed differentially by CLL cells vs diffuse large cell lymphoma (DLCL) cells or normal germinal center (GC) B cells. (G) Relative amount of TCL1A transcripts found in ROR1Neg or ROR1Pos CLL cases, as indicated at the bottom of the graph. Each dot represents the relative TCL1A of a separate case. The large horizontal bar indicates the mean level of TCL1A transcripts, and the 2 smaller horizontal bars show the 95% confidence interval.