Alteration of the endogenous fII allele to limit activation to meizothrombin. (A) This map demonstrates the targeting vector used to alter the endogenous fII allele as well as a map of the endogenous allele. Incorporation of the targeting vector by homologous recombination targeting vector was confirmed in germline-competent mice by PCR. After transmission of the targeted allele by the chimeric animals, mice were crossed with CMV-Cre animals to remove the HPRT cassette, with the final targeted allele as illustrated. Loss of the HPRT cassette was also confirmed by PCR. (B) Liver fII mRNA levels in fIIWT and fIIMZ animals were assessed using qPCR. No significant difference in fII RNA levels was detected between the 2 genotypes. In contrast, significant decreases, as expected, were noted in fII+/− and fIIlox/− animals (n = 6 in all cohorts). (C) Plasma from both fIIMZ and fIIWT mice was assayed for fII antigen levels via western blot. No difference in fII levels between fIIWT and fIIMZ animals was appreciable on the immunoblot. (D) Chromogenic fIIa activity from both fIIWT and fIIMZ plasma was assayed after activation with ecarin. There was no significant difference in plasma fIIa activity derived from either fIIMZ or fIIWT animals (n = 7 in both cohorts). The expected decrease in fIIa activity in both fII+/− and fIIlox/− (n = 4 in both cohorts) was readily detectable.