Longitudinal vector marking and overall clonal diversity. (A) Marking levels. The percentage of peripheral blood cells positive for the barcode/green fluorescent protein (GFP) vector is shown for each hematopoietic cell lineage over time for animals ZH33, ZG66, ZH19, and ZJ31. T cells (T), black; B cells (B), red; monocytes (Mono), green; granulocytes (Gr), dark blue. (B) Cumulative detected clone numbers. The cumulative number of clones over time contributing above the threshold at a minimum of 1 time point is shown for individual lineages and overall. The rapid increase in number of detected clones after engraftment corresponds to initial posttransplantation hematopoietic reconstitution with ≥1 waves of transient clones and emergence of long-term repopulating clones. The flat areas subsequent on the curves indicate broad clonal persistence and lack of emergence of new clones after initial posttransplantation reconstitution with long-term repopulating clones. These plateaus imply that capture of clones is substantially complete after several early time points. The cumulative numbers of clones detected within each individual cell type are color coded. The overall numbers of cumulatively detected clones in all cell types are plotted in gray. (C) Overall clonal diversity. Shannon entropy as a measure of diversity depends on both the number of detected clones and the distribution of their sizes. Given a number of detected clones, higher diversity corresponds to a more even distribution of sizes. Here we show that diversity is high, similar among animals, constant among cell types, and stable after initial reconstitution.