Figure 3.
Similarities between clonal contributions to hematopoietic cell types. (A) Pearson correlation measures similarity between the sets of clones from which specific cell populations are descended. Each line gives the Pearson correlations over time between samples from 2 cell types, with each line consisting of 2 colors corresponding to the cell types being compared (T cells [T], black; B cells [B], magenta; monocytes [Mono], green; granulocytes [Gr], light blue). Mono-Gr clonalities are most similar, followed by Gr-B or Mono-B and Gr/B-T or Mono/B-T. These similarities generally stabilize, with greatest volatility in correlation comparisons involving T cells. (B) Heat map showing the natural log fractional abundances of the highest contributing clones in ZH33 over time, defined as the set of all barcodes present as a top 10 highest contributing barcode in ≥1 of the samples shown. Each row corresponds to 1 barcode. The barcodes are organized by unsupervised hierarchical clustering using the Euclidean distance between barcodes’ log fractional abundances, with relative contribution shown as a magenta-to-light blue gradient, representing high contribution to no contribution, respectively. Clones are clustered along the y-axis to place similar clones next to each other. *Indicates the top 10 clones in a given sample; thus, there are 10 in each column and ≥1 in each row. Note transient clones contribute to each lineage at 1 month and then disappear, replaced by multipotent clones beginning at months 2 to 3, with contributions persisting long term.