Figure 1.
Figure 1. Survival curves from diagnosis using the Kaplan-Meier method for patients with MFC immunophenotyping at diagnosis. (A) PFS stratified by monotypic PCs cutoff at 2.5%. (B) Overall survival stratified by monotypic PCs cutoff at 2.5%. (C) PFS stratified by pPCs/BMPCs ratio cutoff at 5%. (D) Overall survival stratified by pPCs/BMPCs ratio cutoff at 5%.

Survival curves from diagnosis using the Kaplan-Meier method for patients with MFC immunophenotyping at diagnosis. (A) PFS stratified by monotypic PCs cutoff at 2.5%. (B) Overall survival stratified by monotypic PCs cutoff at 2.5%. (C) PFS stratified by pPCs/BMPCs ratio cutoff at 5%. (D) Overall survival stratified by pPCs/BMPCs ratio cutoff at 5%.

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