BCAP is expressed within BM HSPCs. (A) Representative histograms of BCAP protein expression in LSK, CMP, GMP, and MEP cells from WT (red open histogram) and BCAP−/− (blue shaded histogram) lineage− (Lin−) BM. BCAP−/− cells served as a negative control. HSPC populations were identified as in supplemental Figure 3. (B) Change in BCAP staining mean fluorescence intensity (ΔMFI) between WT and BCAP−/− cells. Lin+ cells served as a positive control for BCAP staining. ΔMFI was calculated as BCAP MFI in WT cells − BCAP MFI in BCAP−/− cells. (C) Representative histograms of BCAP protein expression in LT-HSC, ST-HSC, and MPP cells from WT and BCAP−/− Lin− BM. (D) ΔMFI between WT and BCAP−/− cells. Graphs show mean + standard error of the mean of n = 3 mice per group. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments.