Ampd3T689A has altered reticulocytosis in response to infection and splenectomy. Cumulative survival (A), peripheral parasitemia (B), and reticulocyte response (C-D) for splenectomized (A-B,D) or nonsplenectomized (C) female mice. (A-B,D) WT (n = 8), Ampd3T689A/+ (n = 8), and Ampd3T689A (n = 4) infected with P. chabaudi. Mean ± SEM proportion of reticulocytes and parasitemia in (C) P. chabaudi–infected female WT (n = 17), Ampd3T689A/+ (n = 11), and Ampd3T689A (n = 6) mice. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. P values calculated using the Student’s t test.