Figure 1.
The CP CML patients’ journey through TKI therapy for 5 years. The schematic shows the clinical outcome for a typical 100 CP CML patients with respect to response to imatinib (IM) over the course of 5 years and the decision-tree leading to discontinuing TKI or switching to second- or third-generation TKIs for various reasons. Outcomes were compiled based on data obtained from various sources.31,143-146 By the end of year 5: 12 (green segment of the pie chart) of these 100 patients will typically be off TKI and in therapy-free remission (TFR), more than one-quarter (26) (red segment of the pie chart) will have failed TKI therapy (even after drug switching or through disease progression to accelerated phase or blast crisis), and the majority (62) (amber segment of the pie chart) will remain on long-term TKI therapy but have residual disease resulting from LSC persistence in their BM.