Figure 5.
Natural loss of PELO slows mRNA decay in PLPs. (A) M-A plot showing changes in transcript abundance at the initial time point (“hour 0”) between PLPs overexpressing PELO vs a GFP control. (B) Rescaled window of the plot in panel A showing baseline differences in transcript abundance in PELO-overexpressing PLPs. (C) M-A plot showing the results of multivariate analysis to define changes in transcript abundance resulting from PELO overexpression after 1 to 2 hours (see “Methods”). (D) Heat maps depicting all log2FoldChanges for the 1000 transcripts with the lowest adjusted P values separating time (1-2 vs 4-6 hours) and condition (PELO vs GFP) variables. (E) Model showing differential sorting of mRNA transcripts to nascent platelets (left) and regulated mRNA decay of platelet mRNAs (right).